Have you ever watched the nature shows, where they capture a polar bear, tranquilize it, weigh it, check its teeth, tag it and release it back into the wild so they can track its movements using a sensor in the tag?
That's the basic idea. So the next time you have rude customer, just get your tranquilizer gun, knock 'em out, and clip a harmless plastic tag with a remote sensor to their his (or her) ear. It doesn't harm them, but it allows as to gain some insight into their movements and habits.
My theory is that there are a relatively small number of annoying people, but they make their presence felt more than others because of their being so darn annoying. Maybe they come have a drink with me, bum me out, walk down the block and eat dinner with someone else, ruining their evening, before having dessert at a third location where they make someone cry and then camp out all night. Then they probably run a stop sign on the way home and give some other driver the finger.
We will never know for sure until we are able to study these people, and track their movements. What makes them tick? Why do they have to tick us off? Can they please tick somewhere else, like at home?
The tag doesn't harm them at all, you understand. We are nothing if not humane. But science requires subjects, and we can not shrink from our role to play in the advancement of human knowledge.
If you have any suggestions that could make this dream a reality, please write them in the comments below.
We could describe them here. I can think of some pretty apt descriptions that could work if some of these servers worked in the same small town. However, is this crossing the line? Is it ethically okay to do this?
ReplyDelete-Hello, how are you this evening?
ReplyDelete" Is Troy working tonight?"
"Can he wait on us?"
-Well, this is not his section
"Can we sit in his section?"
-Sorry, it is full
"We, only want Troy to wait on us, he is the only one we like."
I am not in the "industry", but am close to several who are: the tracking idea is hilarious.....I'm gonna pose the idea to a few of my friends....thanks for the post